WiFi card Drivers

WiFi card

If you are viewing this page, we can assume that you are looking for a WiFi card driver, manual or firmware. On this page are all the manufacturers of WiFi cards, which have drivers on our site. The site includes an easy step-by-step process for finding and downloading WiFi card drivers, manuals or firmwares. Selecting the correct WiFi card manufacturer, in the next step you will go to the choice of the WiFi card model. Please select the correct WiFi card manufacturer.

Select the WiFi card manufacturer


What are drivers?

A device driver is a set of instructions. The driver tells the computer what to do with the hardware you are installing on it. For example, you have a new wifi card. You do not have programs installed on your computer that you can use to manage all kinds of wifi cards, because all wifi cards are slightly different from each other. Therefore, your wifi card needs something that might tell it what to do. Device drivers are created by hardware manufacturers (in this case, the wifi card manufacturer) and provide very clear instructions for your operating system on how to use the device.

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