Download Intel Software Guard Extensions Platform (SGX)


You can start downloading the Intel Software Guard Extensions Platform (SGX) for Elitegroup H410H6-M7,  Q470H6-M6 motherboards. To start download file, click green «download» button on page below. We advise you to use a variety of download managers like «FlashGet» or «Download Master». Also, you can go back to the list of drivers and choose a different driver for Elitegroup Q470H6-M6 Motherboard.

To start the download, select one of the servers and click "download"

RAR Intel Software Guard Extensions Platform (SGX)
29.0 Mb
Version, Date:, 03.03.2020
Operation System:
Windows 10 x64
This file also fits the following Elitegroup motherboard models:
  • Elitegroup H410H6-M7
  • Elitegroup Q470H6-M6.


Other drivers for this model