Download CAPT Driver for Canon i-SENSYS LBP3100, LBP3108, LBP3150 printers


You can start downloading the CAPT Driver for Canon i-SENSYS LBP3100, LBP3108, LBP3150 printers for Canon i-SENSYS LBP3100,  i-SENSYS LBP3108,  i-SENSYS LBP3150 printers. To start download file, click green «download» button on page below. We advise you to use a variety of download managers like «FlashGet» or «Download Master». Also, you can go back to the list of drivers and choose a different driver for Canon i-SENSYS LBP3108 Printer.

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RAR CAPT Driver for Canon i-SENSYS LBP3100, LBP3108, LBP3150 printers
8.3 Mb
Version, Date:
R1.50V1.10, 17.07.2015
Operation Systems:
Windows 10 x32, Windows 8.1 x32, Windows 8 x32, Windows 7 x32, Windows Vista x32, Windows XP x32, Windows 2000
Language: English.

For a complete list of supported operating systems:
Windows 10 (32bit)
Windows 8.1 (32bit)
Windows 8 (32bit)
Windows 7 (32bit)
Windows Vista (32bit)
Windows XP (32bit)
Windows Server 2003 (32bit)
Windows Server 2003 R2 (32bit)
Windows Server 2008 (32bit)
Windows 2000 (32bit)
Precaution when using a USB connection:

Disconnect the USB cable that connects the device and computer before installing the driver.
Connect the USB cable after installing the driver.
Supported Device:
info Canon LBP3100/LBP3108/LBP3150
Hardware IDs:
info LBP3100/LBP3108/LBP3150
info USBPRINT\CanonLBP3100/LBP310865C9
This file also fits the following Canon printer models:


Other drivers for this model