Download Disk Unlocker Utility


You can start downloading the Disk Unlocker Utility for Asus A55BM-A/USB3,  A55BM-E,  A55BM-K,  A55BM-PLUS,  A55M-A,  A55M-A/USB3,  A58M-A/USB3,  A58M-E,  A58M-K,  A78M-A,  A85XM-A,  A88X-PLUS,  A88X-PRO,  A88XM-A,  A88XM-PLUS,  AM1I-A,  AM1M-A,  B75M-A,  B75M-PLUS and other Asus motherboards. To start download file, click green «download» button on page below. We advise you to use a variety of download managers like «FlashGet» or «Download Master». Also, you can go back to the list of drivers and choose a different driver for Asus H81T Motherboard.

To start the download, select one of the servers and click "download"

RAR Disk Unlocker Utility
4.9 Mb
Version, Date:
2.1.2/2.1.3, 17.08.2012
Operation Systems:
Windows 8 x64, Windows 8 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista x32, Windows XP x64, Windows XP x32
The Asus exclusive Disk Unlocker utility is designed for hard disk drives with a capacity larger than 2048GB. It breaks the HDD size limitation of various operating systems, and allows users to fully utilize the HDD space. For Windows XP users, please refer to page 4 in the Disk Unlocker manual for the detailed installation steps.
This file also fits the following Asus motherboard models:


Other drivers for this model

Other drivers: