PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8185&SUBSYS_14F210BD&REV_20 Drivers

Are you looking driver for «PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8185&SUBSYS_14F210BD&REV_20»? We have searched our database and determined that we have 1 driver file for device with this Hardware ID. This page shows a driver file for this device. The file information is shown below on the page. This device with Hardware ID «PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8185&SUBSYS_14F210BD&REV_20» has one Device Name. This Device Name is shown below. You can see the release date of the driver, the version, the list of supported operating systems, the size of the file and its type. To the right of the file name there is a link to go to the file download page.

You can find a driver for your computer's device by their Device Name or Hardware ID. To find the necessary driver you can always use site search. How to find device Hardware ID read on this instruction.

Hardware ID code information

Hardware ID:
Device Name:
info SURECOM EP-9428-g 802.11g 54M WLAN CardBus Adapter


Select driver for download

Version, Date:
6.1122, 01.10.2008
Supported OSes:
Windows 7 x32/x64
File, Size:
004708.RAR - Compressed RAR file, 13.8 Mb
Version, Date:
8.81.15, 22.02.2016
Supported OSes:
Windows 10 x32/x64, 8.1 x32/x64, 8 x32/x64, 7 x32/x64, Vista x32/x64
File, Size:
004707.RAR - Compressed RAR file, 207.3 Mb
Version, Date:
5.1107/6.1112, 01.02.2008
Supported OSes:
Windows Vista x32/x64, XP x32/x64, 2000
File, Size:
004706.RAR - Compressed RAR file, 13.4 Mb
Version, Date:
5.1100/6.1105/6.1122, 16.10.2009
Supported OSes:
Windows 7 x32/x64, Vista x32/x64, XP x32/x64, 2000
File, Size:
000111.RAR - Compressed RAR file, 14.9 Mb
Version, Date:
5.1100/6.1105, 17.07.2007
Supported OSes:
Windows Vista x32/x64, XP x32/x64, 2000
File, Size:
000112.RAR - Compressed RAR file, 6.9 Mb
Version, Date:
6.1062, 17.11.2006
Supported OS:
Windows Vista x32
File, Size:
013603.RAR - Compressed RAR file, 0.1 Mb
Version, Date:
5.1081, 24.08.2006
Supported OSes:
Windows XP x32/x64, 2000
File, Size:
013602.RAR - Compressed RAR file, 5.8 Mb
